On Earth as in Heaven

On Earth as in Heaven

This phrase ends the first section of Lord’s prayer. It applies directly to the previous phrase ‘your will be done’, but equally applies to the two preceding statements. In many ways, these three phrases are developing the same theme, as when God’s will is done, then his Kingdom will be coming which is where his name is hallowed.

In this phrase, Jesus draws a distinction between ‘on earth’ and ‘in heaven’. God’s will is done in heaven, so there will be no need to pray for that; but it is not done everywhere on earth, hence the need to pray.

So I got to thinking about where, on earth, God’s will is done, where can his Kingdom be seen to be coming, and where is his name hallowed.

And the only place is the Church. 

The Church

That is, the body of Christians across the world, the family of believers, not just those who meet in a particular building or belong to a particular organisation. There are several terms used to describe different facets of the church – one being the Church Universal. This refers to all believers, both on earth and in heaven 

Another description of the Church, that joins up earth and heaven, is the idea of the ‘Church Militant’ (believers on earth) and the ‘Church Triumphant’ (believers in heaven). 

While we may not be overly comfortable with the word ‘militant’ these days, it’s intended to convey that the church on earth is involved in a battle. Not a physical battle, but spiritual warfare against the world, the flesh and the devil. In my last blog I mentioned a few passages which speak of ‘this is the will of God…’ including abstaining from immorality, giving thanks in all circumstances, doing good and so on. Keeping these commands can sometimes be difficult, and that’s where we experience the battle. Particularly in the area of sanctification. 1 Peter 2:11 says: 

Dear friends, I urge you as foreigners and exiles to keep away from fleshly desires that do battle against the soul

While we are on earth we will be constantly in this battle, but we have to remember that Jesus has already won. We are, as it were, fighting the last skirmishes with a defeated enemy. While that doesn’t make is easy, it does mean there is nothing to fear. 

Because the good news is that there is something better to come. The Church Triumphant is made up of those believers who have ‘made it’. They’re in a place of triumph. Through his life, death and resurrection, Jesus has triumphed over all our enemies, so that when we die, we’re taken off the battlefield. We’re in a place of rest, a place where God’s will is done perfectly, a place of triumph.

That in itself should be enough to encourage us to persevere (see how Paul views this in Philippians 1:22-24).

Beyond that the Bible speaks of a ‘new heaven and a new earth’ where we will be reunited with our bodies and become ’gloriously human’ – see Revelation 21-22.

So the prayer ‘your will be done on earth as it is in heaven’ is multi-faceted. It includes a request for God to help us keep his will in our own lives, a recognition of a battle and a request for victory over our enemies. 

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